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Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> a-n^gika as a complete word
The Lexicon contains 5 instances of a-n^gika as a complete word
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(A2 / 506 NS)
1sari-rana bha-varape bha-va dva-ko a-n^gika dha-ye sentiment expressed by body is called an^gika
(A2 / n.d. NS)
3s'ari-ran*a bha-varape bha-va dva-ko a-n^gika dha-ye all sentiment indicated by the body is called a-n^gika
5thva khuta- manana {9} bha-varapa- a-n^gika abhinaya dha-ye these six felt by mind are called a-n^gika abhinaya
(A2 / 662 NS)
1satvaya- s'ari-ra manana bha-rape thvateta- sa-tvikah* udakars*an*a svam*ta- lin^gasavum* siddha barttarapu madisyam*, s'ari-ran*a bha-varape bha-va {19a.1} dva-ko a-n^gika dha-ye to express mind naturally with body is called satvika, it is used in three genders, sentiment expressed by body is called a-n^gika
(A2 / 803 NS)
1s'ari-ran*a bha-lape bha-va dako a-n^gika {2} dha-ya svanta- lin^gasavum* sirddha all sentiment expressed by the body is called a-n^gika. It is used in three genders
Search manuscript block (Newari) for >> a-n^gika as a complete word
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